Tuesday, January 21, 2014

34 weeks and I'm HOME!

This post is a little late, but on Saturday I hit 34 weeks and was sent home!  I got discharged at about 11:30am, we sat in the pharmacy for about an hour and then headed home! I was nervous about the drive home, sitting up for 2 hours over bumps, but it went really well. We stopped for Jamba Juice in Smokey Point and made it home by 3:00. I don't think the dogs recognized me at first but once they did, they were excited to see me! Georgia barely leaves my side now! 

Being home has been great! I thought I would be nervous being home, but I think I am so happy being here that it erases all of my nerves. I had a doctors appointment on Monday for monitoring the babies and also to speak with my Bellingham doctor. She has been recommended by the Seattle doctors to let me go to 37 weeks. We were a little disappointed that she didn't say 36 weeks but we know that extra week (if I make it that far) will be best for the babies. The plan from here on out is to go for monitoring and meet with the doctor on Mondays, and monitoring and fluid checks on Thursdays.  We will also have another growth ultrasound this coming Monday. 

Dillon and I are torn on whether we want to try a natural birth or do a c-section. We go back and forth, but we know that the babies could come any day so we really need to decide. We ask for prayers that we that we are able to make a decision and be completely at peace with it. 

1 comment:

  1. Yeah, so awesome that you are home...relax, sleep while you can and enjoy the time with just you two...life will change but it's awesome!! Praying that your decision will be made soon and everything will go smoothly.
