Saturday, December 14, 2013

29 Weeks!

Not much new to report today except we have made it to 29 weeks! One more week closer to our next goal of 32 weeks.  Both babies continue to look great on the monitors. They are continuing to show their heart rate increases that the doctors and nurses like to see and are moving around a lot.   I am also doing pretty good.  The last few days I have been nauseous and tired, but that has seemed to pass and I am feeling much better. Other than that, nothing new which is a great thing!


  1. Yeah for 29 weeks and 1 day! Glad you are feeling better.

  2. Woohoo!!!! 29 weeks - such an answer to the many, many prayers being lifted up. Our God truly is mighty! Hang in there!

  3. Yeah for 29 weeks and 2 days! A new picture of baby bump please!
    Take care and prayers!
